The Western Hotel
The Club’s AGM took place last night the 25th of January in the Western Hotel on Prospect Hill in Galway at 8:00pm. There was a huge attendance by all previous standards with around twenty-five people in attendance. It really was great to see so many familiar, and mostly friendly, faces looking towards the ‘top table’. Discussion was lively and nobody got too much slagging I hope.
The Club had a really good year in 2005, both in and out of competition, and seems all set for more growth in the months and years to come. Over the course of the evening members reviewed and commented on our activities over the last twelve months with perhaps the Club Championship and our 10K race at Christmas being the highlights for most of us.
Thankfully we managed to get through the business at hand by a civilized hour and some of us retired to the bar to plot even greater things for the Club over the months to come.
A sincere thanks to all of our members who were able to make it along last night and the apologies of a good many others were also recorded with our understanding. Our valiant Secretary Peter Delmer is in the process of preparing minutes of the meeting and we’ll distribute them to all as soon as they come to hand. In the meantime the Annual Report for 2005, Agenda and Information Sheet about the proposed club outing to “The Night of Flanders” race in Belgium in June will all be attached to this article for your information.