
Since the late and much-lamented Killimor 4M Road Race (organised by Mary and Thomas Porter) there was been no road race of that distance in the Galway calendar.

This oversight is being rectified this weekend with the first running of South Galway AC's Kilcolgan Castle 4M - see Upcoming Event information elsewhere on this web site for full details.

What I don't recalling seeing before for a local race is a full course run-through on YouTube:

I have run the course and can say with certainty that it's very scenic. The road is also in very good conditions. It is narrow in places and is not the flattest you'll ever race on. It is also not the straightest you'll ever race around either. I will guarantee that it will be unique and that South Galway are going above and beyond the call of dury in their preparations for the event with the HQ in Kilcolgan Castle, a hidden gem.

Please support it at all possible. Entry is only E15 etc.