As a race director, no matter how big or small an event, it's always pleasing to see everything go well on the night.

Credit where credit is due:

To all participants -

You were all there in good time, you shared cars, and it made parking noticeably easier.

You followed instructions to the letter, I didn't spot anybody with their number on their back or wearing headphones.

This make life really easy for those of us organising the races.

Remember to keep your number and use it for the entire series - Car pooling will make life easier for all hosting clubs so continue to do that please.

To Athenry AC members.

Thanks to all Athenry AC club members who, through injury ,couldn't run on the night, but still pitched in and helped out.

It means that everybody else was free to run, but they too still helped out beforehand and afterwards.

If I didn't look completely stressed out- its because I had hardly anything to do!

To other stewards and volunteers.

It means giving up your evening to help out, but you did so with good humour. I must owe a few favours at this stage!

Results and photos will be available in the next few days.

See you all in Tuam!


16 years 5 months ago

I stopped believing in a higher power many years ago, but somebody must have been saying their prayers for the rain to hold off.

Caroline Ryan

16 years 5 months ago

Well done to everyone involved in organising the 5K last night. Ye had everything spot on...including the weather!
There was a great athmosphere which made the run very enjoyable and the distance a bit shorter.
Looking forward to the next one already:-) Thanks!


16 years 5 months ago

Many thanks to the organisers - The 5K in Newcastle, Athenry was excellent - The standard has been set :-)

Just wondering if there were any socials planned for after our final 5K. How convenient that our last run is in the City where there are some fine pubs/bars! We can show the "Tag Rugby Socialites" that the runners of the West and beyond are every bit as social and fitter!

Perhaps if the organisers can contact a suitable pub/bar then we can meet there? Also the establishment may sponsor the 5K Series next year as this series is absolutely brilliant and should be run every year :-) Just a thought....

Good luck fellow runners.


16 years 5 months ago

As in other years, we'll be having a social event after the last race.
More details be announced in due course.

This is where you can collect your t-shirt [if you've earned it by running 5 or 6 races].
No, we don't post them out, you must collect them at this social event.

If you have your T-shirt "earned" before the last race, by having all 5 already completed, you'll be able to collect in advance of the race.