Bridget Anne and Fan!:Bridget-Anne and one of her many fans!
1. What running shoes do you train in?
Asics Gel Kayano
2. How many miles did you run last week?
3. What’s your favourite racing distance?
Don’t have one ‘cause I don’t like races. If I were to choose I'd pick an 8k.
4. Where’s you favourite place to train?
In the countryside, away from traffic and crowds.
5. What’s your favourite race or event each year?
The a mile
6. What annoys you most at races?
People underestimating (by a mile) their predicted finish times.
7. What race, that you haven’t yet run, would you most like to take part in?
Marathon des Sables...the chances of achieving this are getting very slim.
8. What was your best-ever running performance?
I don't keep records but I know my best marathon was 4.07 in Dublin 2003.
9. What was your worst-ever running performance?
I've had too many of those to single out any one.
10. What’s the strangest thing that you’ve ever seen on a training run?
Somebody walking away with my pouch which I had left on the fence in Dangan which had my car keys in it. Eileen spotted her first and challenged her.
11. Favourite piece of running gear?
I have a navy fleece that I have for years that has come to every marathon with me. Its now threadbare but I cant get rid of it. Its my security blanket.
12. Who would you most enjoy beating in a sprint for the line?
Mick Rice, but I'd like to start by beating Eileen first which I have never done.
13. What was the best bit of training advice you were ever given?
To take gels earlier rather than later in a marathon
14. In ten years time will you still be running?
Hope so, if my knees hold out.
15. If for some reason you were told you could never run again, how do you think you’d react?
I'd be disappointed but there's always swimming and cycling. Once I'm pumping iron, I'm happy.
16. Have you ever been bitten by a dog while running?
No, thankfully.
17. Have you ever had to stop for an emergency ‘Paula’ during a race?
Plenty of times but I've always managed to find a bush or a Mother Hubbards or a hotel.
18. Favourite post-race food?
A toasted fried egg sandwich and some hot tea. I've even stopped at a shop from time to time at the end of a training run to buy eggs.
19. Most embarrassing ever running-related moment?
I suppose finishing last and winning a trophy at the same time would be an embarrassing moment for me.
20. The greatest Irish Athlete of all time is/was?
My heroine is Sonia.