
Frank and Maeve near the finish in Cobh - Photo Credit Paudie Birmingham

Race Report from this year's Cork to Cobh by Frank Burke

This was Maeve’s longest race this year, you might say her marathon.

Got to Cork Saturday evening and the weather was brutal, lashing rain and a good breeze to boot. Had the usual meal before a big race, pasta washed down with a gallon of water, got back to the B&B for an early night’s kip.

Two bowls of porridge for breakfast (one each) and we were all set. Left the B&B and the weather had changed completely - not a cloud in the sky and no wind, a perfect day for a run. The start line was just outside where we were staying and we met up with Owen and Connor. Our Athenry singlets got lots of attention with people asking after other club members and a bit of Galway slaging. The race started at 9.30am with almost 700 runners, a fast downhill on Summerhill Road and then left on to Lower Glanmire Road and then onto the N25 to Fota and on into Cobh. The course is mostly flat ,fast and very scenic if you could look around.

The pre-race strategy was 9:00 min/miles for the first 3-4 miles and then pick up the pace to 8:30 min/miles ‘till mile 10-11 and if we felt good hopefully a strong finish. We started out fast clocking 41:30 for the first 5 miles which must have been mostly downhill .We got to half-way in 103:30 and were nearly hit by a nutcase driving a red Fiesta blowing the horn at all the runners and driving into the hard shoulder. Unfazed by Mr. Fender- Bender we marched on and a mile up the road the Gardai had him pulled over at a roundabout and were dishing out a ticket.

We ran through Fota and past the wildlife park then over the bridge and on into Cobh. We were going well and were passing a few runners. Ten miles in 1:23:20 . The road from Fota to Cobh had a few hills and it was making us put in more effort we passed the half marathon point in 1:49:10 which was a PB for Maeve. Two miles to go. The talking stopped and we pushed on. There was a good climb into Cobh which slowed us but we crossed the line with 204:33 on the watch.

A good race and I’d say most of the runners plan to do Dublin using this race as a long run as most finished under the 2hour 30. Even the walkers were fast. The race was well organised with plenty of tea and stuff afterwards. Thanks to all the people who helped out on the day - stewards and the Gardai which made for a safe event on some busy roads. Thanks to the Cork BHAA for a good day out in what is one of the oldest road races in the country.

Will be back next year.


16 years 4 months ago

Another pb from Maeve and a gentlemanly adherence to pacing from Frank. His pacing in the club championships was very good also ;-)