Training times for all Juvenile members born 2004 and older are as follows Monday and Wednesday 7 oclock Athenry Soccer Pitch. If you have any questions please contact Sinead 0876330527 or Martin 0879840741
The six-race Galway 5k Series will be open for entry on Wednesday 21st March at 8pm. At that time, go to the website to find the entry form, under both Enter Races and Events Calendar . It won't be possible to entry before 8pm AND, if the experience of other years is anything to...
Being the unedited transcripts from e-mails in response to James A. Lundon's urgings. (Did all you people pass your Leaving Certificate English?) Late entries to this list are fine; it's got to be before the race though. Best of luck to everyone in achieving them, and remember to enjoy it all as...
In response to lots of demand for a core/ conditioning and strength class, the 2012 spring club class will start on Monday 6th February. We are lucky to have booked Tom French, an approved trainer with Athletics Ireland, and owner of French Vanoli Fitness in Oranmore, who is already doing some...
Over forty Juvenile Athletes aged from under 10 upwards travelled to Nenagh last Saturday to take part in the Galway County Track and Field indoors. There were some fantastic performances from all the athletes. Athenry Juvenile club took home 12 Gold 12 Silver and 16 bronze medals full results...
T'was Christmas morning at 7:45am and all through the house not a creature was stirring, except for a runner. I crept down the stairs, and nearly twisted my ankle when I missed the last step – not a good start! I bypassed the Christmas tree, and the presents, and headed for the kitchen to make a...
We are all talented people in Athenry AC; it's just that some of us have skill sets in different areas other than speed in miles per hour. To honour some of the shenanigans in the club this year (other than the obviously enviable skill of being able to run very fast in a straight line), there were...
See or below 14 Nov 2011 - New Beginnings It’s been a hectic time since I got home from holidays. After the disappointment of the Worlds I couldn’t shake the nagging feeling that I really needed a dramatic change. It was the first time I had...
Fair play to MTB for running both Dublin (4:20) and New York (4:08) a few weeks back. She's not quite in the rocking chair yet!
Athenry are hosting the County Uneven Age Cross Country on Sunday 23 October starting at 1pm. This event is been held at Moonbaun situated on the left just after Athenry Soccer Club. To get to the event travel straight out over the railway lines and continue straight on past raheen pitch and tennis...
Unfortunately due to the Vocational School gym been unavailable Little Athletics will be cancelled until Monday 7 November.
The 5k championships welcomed a larger than usual number of competitors to Newcastle on Sunday 18th. Thirty seven souls delayed their Sunday lunch to run the loop, a number of them for the first time and glad we were to see them. A delighted Sebastien Locteau took advantage of his recent road -- as...
Training times for Juveniles is as follows Little Athletics children born 2004 and 2005 Vocational School Gym Monday 7 to 8 oclock. All older children 8 to 9 oclock vocational school gym Monday nights and Thursday nights 7 to 8 oclock.
In the early hours of Friday 2nd September, Paul Hession took to the track for his 4th successive World Athletics Championships in South Korea. Running in Heat 3, Paul came home in a creditable 4th place, against some stiff competition in a time of 21.02. The first three from each heat qualified...
Athletics training for all ages is back next Monday September 5. Little athletics children born 2004 and 2005 will be on a Monday night in Vocational school gym from 7 to 8 oclock. There is a 2euro charge per child. All other ages born 2003 and older will be training on Monday and Wednesday nights...
Paul Hession is in action at the World Athletics Championships this week. Paul is in heat 3 of the Men's 200m on Day 7, Friday, 02-Sep due to start at 03:26 (The first heat kicks off at 03:10) so set your alarm clocks. Paul is drawn in lane 2 and has avoided some of the big guns, although he is up...
Another success story from the Community Games has reached us here at Athenry AC Central. The photo at the top of this story show Aubrey O'Brien, gold medal U10 60m hurdles, Evan Quirke gold medal winner boys U14 Long Jump at the Community Games last weekend and their coach Mr. Dermot McNamara. Our...
Athenry AC had a large number of participants involved in the Community Games National Finals held in AIT Athlone on the 20th & 21st August. On Day 1, first up was Daniel Regan in the Boys U14 Shot Putt with a throw of 9.78M. This was good enough for 9th place. Grace Cahill was next up in the Girls...
Since the late and much-lamented Killimor 4M Road Race (organised by Mary and Thomas Porter) there was been no road race of that distance in the Galway calendar. This oversight is being rectified this weekend with the first running of South Galway AC's Kilcolgan Castle 4M - see Upcoming Event...
Over the next 2 weekends the Community Games National Finals will be held in AIT, Athlone, over 2,500 children from all corners of the country will participate over the weekends, they will be supported by over 600 volunteers and organisers, as well as family members and friends Athenry Area will...
Our very own Jane-Ann Healy stormed to victory in Ireland's first Kilomarathon (26.2km) last Sunday in Moone Village Co. Kildare. All her had work of recent weeks have obviously paid off with some spectacular racing performances, not least this very impressive win. To put things into perspective she... -> Sprinter Paul Hession has qualified for the Olympic Games after achieving the A qualification time at the Senior Track and Field Championships in Dublin. The Irish 200m record holder won today's event at the Morton Stadium, Santry in a...
Congrats to Darragh McShane of the club on winning the recent Jog in the Bog event over in Clooninagh, Tuam. See: PAUL HESSION 200m sprinter “You can’t ignore the Olympics,” he says. “It’s too big. It’s a circus, really.” Based in Scotland, the 28-year-old from Athenry enjoyed the circus no end last time out. He won his quarter-final...
Athenry AC athletes captured after the recent Longford Half. This image is courtesy of Peter Mooney who kindly let us use his photo. There are more pictures of Athenry AC athletes at: . The XLS containing the results is also attached...